My favourite food

Resultado de imagen para papas fritas gifMy favourite food is a hard decision, but I’m between French chips and sushi.
I love eat French chips, I would eat them every day of my life, they really are the best invent on the planet. I like eat them with ketchup, that’s the best thing on earth (I put ketchup literally on everything). My favourite’s chips are those pre-cook French fries, because they are crunchier, like those sell in McDonald’s. 
Resultado de imagen para sushi gifResultado de imagen para sushiAbout sushi is so strange my love for this because y hate rice, ever I just eat rice in sushi. My favourite sushi is that covered with avocado, cream cheese or panko, those are the best sushi. I like the interior has chicken, avocado, cream cheese, kanikama, shrimp, champignon, chives, and a lot of others things. But I don’t like the sushi with raw fish, I think that’s disgusting.  
One of my closest friends has a restaurant of sushi with his brother and every time I go there he gives me sushi and this is so delicious, even is the best sushi I ever tasted. For my birthday he brings sushi at my party and we eat a lot, was a great day.

Now I’m going to eat French fries with my partner Cristinita Benz   
Resultado de imagen para papas fritas gif


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