3rd themed-post: What area do you want to specialize in?
This is difficult for me because I don’t really know yet the area that I would like to get a specialization. Actually, I like things where you can really see mental disease, like in our subject “psychopathology”.
I think that maybe I would like to get a major in clinical psychology, like that is so attractive to me, even though people says that is a very collapsed area here in Chile – and maybe in the world too-.
I am interested in this area because I think that can treat directly the mental diseases is something really cool and I would like to work with that my whole life.
I think that I could specialize in that area maybe in another country, because my plans always have been live in a country where the people speak English, I like this language a lot, so maybe if I had the change I would like to specialize in USA, United Kingdom or Europa, that would be awesome.
Also I really love the idea of work with kids, so I think that maybe I would like to major in child psychology, or make a mixture between clinical psychology and child psychology. I haven’t think in this too much.
I believe that the kids are the future, so help them if they need that from kids could make the world easier for them when they grow up. And I like a lot the kids with TEA, because they’re so different and it’s like everyone has they own world, I really would love to work with them.
