Changes to my study programme
I think that in my study programme there would be some important but little changes to make.
First, I think that we need more hours of practice, because we only had those hours in the fifth year so some people realize then that they don’t like the area they have been chosen. It would be good for all of us, so then we could see how is going to be work as a psychologist, and the way that the psychologist can treat the patients when they had a crisis or a psychotic case.
Also I think that it would be so much better change the way of teaching some subjects, like “psicopatología” because this is so theoretical and some stuff are hard to learn without watch that, it would be more fun and easier if we could watch something real like a patient with a psychological disorder.
The duration of the career seems to be so long, because this is five years (without the thesis, and this could take some years too), and it would feel a little bit shorter if we had more internships.
Also I think that would be good include some more technology, like some online controls without mark only for us to practice the things that we learn in class.
But besides that I think that the career is fine, we learn a lot of interesting things that are going to help us in the future, when we work as a psychologist in the area that we choose. And even through the basic cycle is long; I think that is useful so we can choose the area that we like the most when we’re undecided about that.
